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Singapore Polytechnic


GPA of >3.6
do well for ballet
rich rich rich
Denim HWS



Yi Lin (:
Jeslyn (:
Cheng Teng (:
Atiqah (:
Hong Choo (:
Rachel (:
Xin Yi (:
Ying Liang (:
Terence (:
Travis (:
Nigel (:
Reggie (:
Chuan Jun (:
Hwee Sze (:
Yi Ying (:
Hong Wei (:


Picture: Deviantart
Codes: Liz

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hi people!

Wishful penguin is having a giveaway in collaboration with the Handlebar!
There are many items for giveaway.. up till 7 beauty products, 2 cute and quirky glasses(I myself love the pair of tortoise sunnies) and a gorgeous anchor print blouse! What's there to miss?
There are stuff for everyone.... the beauty queens, the fashionista, and even the vintage.
To stand a chance to win, visit the link below and you're one step... maybe many steps closer to winning those items!


Good luck! (:


Saturday, January 23, 2010


If we meet and I say, "Hi,"
That's a salutation.
If you ask me how I feel,
That's a consideration.
If we stop and talk awhile,
That's a conversation.
If we understand each other,
That's communication.
If we argue, scream and fight,
That's altercation.
If later we apologise,
That's reconciliation.
If we help each other home,
That's cooperation.
And all these actions added up
Make civilisation.

(And if I say this is a wonderful poem,
Is that exaggeration?)


Sunday, August 2, 2009

some idiot said, " if you believe in karma, then you're stupid. you think that you do good deeds then you will have a good life, go heaven etc. ya right.... you help ppl, then who help you? "

seriously hate that person who said that.

timid me replied behind his back, " stupid la you. if everyone think that doing good deeds is good. then everyone will help each other what. you help ppl, other ppl help you la! you dont help ppl, of course ppl dont help you ma. dumbo! " " and of course, you help ppl is not because you want your karma points to increase what. want to help then use your heart to help and not because of the greed of getting gd stuff in return then you help ma. if not dont help. "

he was the speaker of a talk i went to with my mother.
about knowing your life, your personality... everything! from your birthdate/and time.
jin, mu, shui, huo, tu.

he is very proud..
the way he speak, actions all those.
everything he say, i will rebut back.
i know, he has the capabilities to hao lian.... nvm.
then say himself until like he so gd like that. shit.
if he's really that gd, why don't teach everyone the skill for FREE?!?!
why still charge...
still say like " i want to help you all"
help... ya.. don't fake please!
you only want to earn money.
you money face.
get lost.

from him.. i learnt not to be selfish.
one day, if i'm rich... i will donate to charity
one day, if i'm a genius... i will teach for free
he changed me.
in a good way i suppose... :)


so many things have happened within this short while...
and i have seen quite alot.
and from what i experienced and saw..
i conclude that no one will truly treat a person well...
for nothing in return.
somehow i feel that we're all trained to be like that from young.
including me.
(to me my parents are the only exceptions)

i truly truly believe that early childhood learning is EXTREMELY important!
what we become today...
is affected by factors:
-how your parents treat you/their actions
-how your friends treat you/their actions
and i strongly believe that every child is born innocent and as plain as a piece of white paper..
flawless and pure.

example - parents:
child being abused from young
grows up and abuse his own children

example - friends:
the "famous" gang always wears branded goods
gets respect from everyone
everyone wants to be part of them
the child learns that fame is very important
must get branded goods to be famous

example - surrondings:
from young, the child is taught to steal
if lucky enough,
grows up to steal for a living


I'm tired.
really tired..
the good things i see are not enough to cover the bad ones..
i am so disappointed in my life
always when comes talking about this..
to my mother
or thinking about it myself..
i feel like crying.
am i depressed?
i think i am.
someone help me pls......
then again, please don't help me.
if you want something in return.
just get lost.

i tell myself
to be optimistic
so i tell myself
"it's good that i see this kind of ppl so i can learn from them.. don't follow them. Like when i dislike how they do things, i dont follow how they do it."
"Life gives me a chance to learn from them so i won't be like them.. not everyone has a chance like that."
"luckily i'm not like that. i'm better. sad for you"
"try to help them. tell them their "not so gd" points.. if they dont change, nvm. i tried my best already. short term, i suffer... but long term. gd luck. "

but before i can really cheer up and get over it...
homework, projects, exams come quickly.
making me too busy to think about it
only when im alone...
too bored..
or worse
when it happens again..
it really piss me off
make me so angry that i really feel like killing someone.
sucks la.

dont want to continue already.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a fun day today :)

Firstly, woke up early to meet Cheng Teng and Bee Chen for gym.
school's gym.
haahhs fun.. it's the first time i've been there....
after almost 3 years in SP.
ran 2.4km on the... hmm.. what do you call that.. treadmill?
took approx. 27mins. :(
so dead
so so so gonna fail my napfa just because of 2.4 .
but oh well...
will start training for it.
by going gym next saturday!
Yay! :) :)

Then next.. hard-core exercising.
i think today was the day i did the most splits in class.
right, center, to left... to center.. to froggy position..and back to center.. then right, left.....
uncountable.. hahahha..
ok la, not that many.
around complete of 5 sets i guess.
aim: train till fit. FIT.
goodbye flabby fats.. :)

ah ya....
anyone have any idea or where to find those charity events..
visits to orphanages, outings with children..
volunteer work..
Let me know ok?

don't want to waste my time doing wasteful stuff.
rather spend it on something useful..
busy myself with something meaningful.
then..... life's great!
true? :)


Sunday, June 21, 2009

i realised, finally agreeing with myself, that i'm waiting for a chance..
i tell myself, promised, that i will go for the next one that comes by..
no matter what!
have to...
getting older
aging like fasttt....
so yea, i must.
but of course with much careful considerations.
and not fall deep, blindly into the black hole..
:) :)


a week more left to the dreadful mst week....
and what's worse is i've not started on anything yet!
i'm so dead this time. sigh :(
HATE last minute studying studying
but i'm still doing it!! STUPID OR WHT ! :(


Friday, June 5, 2009

my holiday-like-no-holiday has officially started today :)
i wasted my whole day today...
except for doing some sewing..
now, my fingers are still hurting.
it feels like there are inner blisters at the tips of the first three fingers on my right hand.
actually, its not as easy as i thought it would be to sew the crochet protector onto the tip of the shoes, the hard part, where i will be standing on....my toes, that is. but not really on the toes.... somehow, i don't know how to explain.
you must wear and try it for yourself to really get what i mean.
oh well, at least i felt a sense of satisfaction.... when i'm done :)
pretty pretty shoes.
since the week before last week, i've got this blue-black somewhere near my knee...
its not blue nor brown like those normal blue-blacks people have.....
it is Black. blackish purple.. the size of a fifty cent coin, maybe.
scary and disgusting right..
yea it is.
for so long already.. it is still there!
ok, i admit that i didnt really care about it and never massage it...
but for other bruises i've got, they won't last as long as this.
hmmmmm.. something is wrong.
a way stubborn bruise.

since don't know when, it is common for me to get blue-blacks..
when awake and/or asleep.
i heard.. long time ago that there's this sickness.... (i presume it's true)
where people who have this sickness get bruises soo easily (only a small bang/knock)
and it is because they have too many or too little white blood cells....
i forgot.
and it is not.... i repeat.. NOT a good thing.

I'm feeling sleeeeppppy already. so early
ah HA!
a sign of H1N1 virus. *coughs!*